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Grocery store provides faster and safer shopping experience during COVID-19

The self-checkout tunnel provides isolation, privacy, and high efficiency during the grocery check out process




About Costco

Costco has enormous customers, and they are usually shopping with a large number of groceries.
In the grocery store, there are areas that people can't avoid staying close to others.


Age: 49 years old
Job: Real Estate Agent
Income: 90k/year
Mary Smith
Mom of a 14-year-old boy
Often do open house with client
Busy schedule with kid every day
House cleaning every day
Grocery every 2 weeks
Living Pattern
during COVID-19
The indication light would provide the customers which tunnels are available and make the checkout process faster
More efficient check out process

Grab the freshness right away
Team member: Ivy Li, Tony Lei, Cynthia Qin , Lance Li
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